A Hurricane's A'Brewin!
My meteorologist friend Natalie commissioned a hurricane symbol necklace. Having never used a hydraulic press before, I thought this would be a nice opportunity to give it a shot. Sawing acrylic is time-consuming but rather meditative. Perfect for stress relief when work is overwhelming. The piece turned out larger than I would like so I've made a bunch more from flat sheets (not pictured). Nothing speaks to me yet so Nat's going to have to be patient with me while I work this out.
Natalie also commissioned a squirrel shawl pin for our friend Marie, for whom she crocheted a lovely purple shawl. Having made a draft in paper first, I was able to work out the proper mechanics before going to metal. This was a delightful project for some delightful ladies. My favorite part is the little acorn (my first application of the rolling mill!).